After lots of fits-and-starts, several out-and-out belly laughs, a few curses, and an abundance of head scratching, my blog has officially been launched (unless you count all those times I hit “publish” when I shouldn’t have)!
It’s not perfect. I still haven’t quite found the exact right writing style for my card-making posts and Lord knows I have a lot to learn about taking good photos! But rather than wait 10 more years until I get it perfected I thought I’d let you all in on this journey with me.
Mostly, this site will be for my art – which is why I named it “Studio JD”. Lately, my focus has been on making handmade cards, but I also love painting and making jewelry so you’ll see some of those projects sprinkled in here too.
Knowing me, I’ll probably throw in a few posts about life once in a while. 🙂
Speaking about life: I have a husband I love with all my heart, a puppy that brings me joy every minute, and a career that I am both passionate about and grateful for every day. That means that this blog, along with the art that it’s based on, are things I do in my free time. Usually fueled by coffee or Coke Zero.
I hope you’ll stop by from time to time to see what I’ve been up to!
All the best,